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What's Your Why?

That's My Why...

One of the most inspirational moments of my life, was sparked by my Track coach, Clyde Morgan: 

Coach called us in after a grueling  practice. My usually smiling coach was pissed. He told us to take a seat, and started to lecture us on effort, when, suddenly, he stopped. It was if an imaginary light came on in his mind. Coach Morgan cracked a wry smile and bellowed, "What's Your Why?!" Most of the team, including myself, just sat that there.. We here still trying to catch our breaths. We were wondering,  "Is this was one of those trick question sorta things." Then, jarring us from our daze, up popped Junior 400m runner, Cole Seward. As some seniors rolled their eyes, Cole looked each an everyone of us. Turning to Coach Morgan, he proclaimed, "Them right there," gesturing towards the team, "My brothers, That's my why." 

Why do I write? Because God has given me a gift. He has put the words in my head, and it is up to me to write them down. I find writing to be liberating; it helps me vent. There is a subtle beauty in the bold attempt to capture the beauty of life. That is My Why.

I urge you to take a moment or so to share any comments about my works, and tell me, "What's Your Why."

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